Comming Soon

「Ping Pong Style A&D 」ウェブアートギャラリー
The web gallery that connects you with art to replenish the soul, Ping Pong Style A&D
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そこでPing Pong Style ではアート作品をリアルとデジタルの両方の魅力を合わせて提案しています。
Mark Ramdarassが伝えたい想いをアートというフィルター、形あるものとしてファンへ届けること、そこから感じるインスピレーションや感情こそ@Size Runと私達が一番大切にしていることなんです。彼は実物を元に版を起こすシルクスクリーン技法を用いた一度に複数の作品を生み出すアーティストです。誰でもが知っているイメージを、誰でもが可能なシルクスクリーン技法で複製する、言葉の壁を越えたスポーツから伝わってくる感動をアート作品として表現している。
Covid 19 has caused many of us to spend more time at home, and this has brought about an unprecedented art boom in Japan.
The culture of art is built on how people interact within society and develop values, it may be partly the result of unuse wealth flowing over into the world of art.
Until recent times, the people who bought art were often those in their twilight years, making their last purchases with their accumulated wealth. I feel that now there is an increase in people who see art as more of an investment.
I think collectors see appeal in the newness of building a digital art portfolio now that NFT has made it possible to clearly recognize ownership of digital art. These collectors continue to be on the lookout for works of art that are in the media, seeking items that might go up in value. However, art should be something that encourages us to look into ourselves, and to find happiness in what appeals to our own sensitivity and preferences. I hope that all of us can keep this perspective in mind.
Ping Pong Style strives to promote the attraction of both physical and digital art.
The artists involved in this project began with inspiration from sculpture, each is a designer with his own unique background and technique of expression. The dawn of American pop art’s arrival in Japan. This was when I first encountered the wonder of modern art centered around sculpture. The group included people who has studied at art institutes, those who were more passionate about art than getting three meals a day, and art owners who see it as their role to pass on the message.
Paintings are an illusion that allow us to enjoy our imagination.
I feel that sculptures allow us more the chance to connect to something concrete.
“Art always enriches our lives. It’s always a good thing.
Just putting up a painting on the wall instantly brightens up your home. It’s just like decorating a dining table with a flower. The entry level to art starts with finding a painting you like and experiencing the joy of it. I have heard that art placed in an office can take on a kind of symbol of the company, and art in a clinic can soften the atmosphere and spark conversation with patients.”
Mark Ramdarass makes a statement through the sieve of art and extends something concrete to the fans. We and @Size Run treasure more than anything else, the inspiration and emotion contrived as a result. The artist Mark takes physical objects and creates multiple works simultaneously, using the silk screen printing technique. He takes images of the banal, using a silkscreen technique that many of us might be fooled into thinking we could do ourselves, and through this medium of art, conveys the emotion of sport overcoming linguistic obstacles.
Please take a moment to read his profile to find out his background.